Friday, January 28, 2011

Do you want Chicken Nuggets or Sushi... SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI pleaaaase

Abrielle is OBSESSED with Sushi.  We began going to Tuna II when Abrielle was probably 18 months old.  I know that she could talk some and was still in a high chair.  When we first started I would order a bowl of rice for her and she would use either her fingers or a kiddie spoon to scoop it up.  The owners and their teenage daughter loved her and loved when we came in.  The other patrons would talk about how we had a baby in a Sushi restaurant... first off she is a toddler and secondly it wasn't like she was eating raw fish... it was a bowl of rice....

Once she turned two I remember making shrimp at our apartment and giving her some to try.  She devoured it.  She ate shrimp like other kids ate cheerios.  We went to dinner at Red Lobster just a bit after this and Hollie ordered crab legs... Abrielle decided she needed to try them.... she went to town on them.  Poor Hollie kept giving away the best part of her meal. 

Once Abrielle started loving the shrimp we would order her pieces of shrimp sushi at Tuna II when we went.  By two and half she was using the training chop sticks like a professional.  Shrimp sushi is simply cooked shrimp laid over sticky rice.  When crazy lady hit the three year mark we would go to sushi after gymnastics every other week or so.  Now she was daring... everytime she went she would order a piece of new sushi to try.  She doesn't like the rolls... she will not try anything with the seaweed wrapping... but she has no problem with the raw sushi.  The first one she tried was yellow tail.  She went through a few weeks of ordering that then she wanted to try a new one... this time it was red snapper... she likes squid and fluke... she is not a fan of tuna though.

Tonight we were done running our errands and I asked Abrielle what she wanted for dinner.  Jason and I were torn on whether we felt like sitting down for a dinner or just grabbing something to take home.  I asked Abrielle if she wanted  chicken nuggets or Sushi... this child SCREAMED SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI pleeeassssseeeeeee.  It was so funny.

We ordered the sushi boat to share instead of individual orders and I ordrered the spicy squid to start.  This is cooked squid in the most delicous spicy sauce.  Abrielle was muching on a bowl of rice when the spicy squid came on... she literally threw down her spoon and informed me that I had to share with her.  So I give her some of it and tell her to use her fingers or use her spoon to eat it.  "Mommy I need my special chopsticks.. I can't use a spoon for squid." YIKES!!!!!

So our yummmy sushi boat arrives at the table and Abrielle is the first person to get their chopsticks to the food.  She goes right in and says, "those are my red snappers" and scoops one up.

She then continues to eat a squid, fluke, yellow tail and a crab.  When she realized there was crab sushi you would have thought she found all her presents underneath the Christmas tree.  She really sounded more excited about this crab sushi then she did at Christmas.  This kid mowed down half a bowl of rice, half of my spicy squid order and five huge pieces of sushi.  Oh I almost forgot the ice cream that she ate.  Granted we haven't had sushi in almost two months but this was a bit much. The owners and their daughter still love her to death.  Everytime we come in they wait to see what she will eat.  One time Jason and I went in by ourselves and I almost thought they were going to make us leave and go get her.

I love that she is so silly and that she is a 3 year old whose favorite food is sushi.... it makes my days!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hiding in the bathroom, eating an English Muffin... oh MY!!!

Abrielle had a big bowl of noodles for dinner on Tuessay night but apparently that wasn't enough to fill her little tummy so I made her an English Muffin.  She is sitting at the table in the living room and I am in the chair... more specifically... Jason's chair but that is a whole other topic of conversation.. when we hear someone at the back door.  At first I thought Jason was home early from his volleyball game but in fact it was Rachel 2 stopping over to borrow a phone.

I am in the kitchen chatting with her when I hear Abrielle run from the living room into the bathroom and slam the door. "Abrielle what are you doing in the bathroom?".... "Eating my English Muffin"... WHAT?!?!  I ask her why the heck she is in the bathroom eating her English Muffin.  She then informs me that she doesn't want to talk or see Rachel 2 so she will be in the bathroom until Rachel leaves.  I said it was going to be a while... Abrielle informs me that is okay because she has a lot of English Muffin to eat.

Abrielle is hysterical... THE END!!!

PS She spent 25 minutes in the bathroom... just her, her English Muffin and toiled seat she was sitting on... Weirdo :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This was a day full friends I love!!!

There are days where I wake up feeling BLESSED!!!  This was one of those days.  I know I have probably the best husband on the planet.  In fact few would argue with that fact... if they want to argue it is because they think their husband is better and I am pretty sure I can argue every one of their points.  My daughter is amazing.... sure she made me cry yesterday because she was MEAN but this morning she sang a song about how much she hearted me... so I am over the mean day and back to thinking she is the coolest kid ever.

I spent today with many of my favorite teachers and then had a yummy Applebees dinner with Jason and Abie.  Besides the fact that I love having dinner with them... it was extra special because I used a gift card that my teacher people gave me last week after a rough week.  I followed this yummy dinner by meeting Sherell at Tags where I encountered more loves of my life... we laughed at pretty much our own stupidity then ventured down to Rounding Third to see Rachel 2.  Love her... love them all.

On my way home Kristin 1 called.... which I cannot even talk about how much I love her because I already devoted an entire blog to her BUT I DO LOVE HER and I MISS HER!!!  When I was talking to her Mekhi informed me that he missed me and loved me.... talk about melt my heart!  I made it in my house and Lindsay called..... she informed me that her washer wasn't broken it was just the outlet that needed to be reset... LOVE HER!!!!

I will say it again... I am BLESSED... amazing family, wonderful husband, super crazy spectacular daughter, the best friends a girl could ask for....all I can say is thank you to all of you who make my life complete and absolutely wonderful!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Fire Still Burns on the Hill....

Envision 12 adults bundled up, boots on, jeans cuffed hiking through a foot of snow for a quarter mile out to a cabin in the woods. 

The cabin was built piece by piece by my grandfather... three rooms, no electricity, no plumbing but as it was pointed out today it has dropped down ceilings.  There is an outhouse, multiple storage sheds, an old dog house and a rustic sign stating "Rhodes Big Flats". 

I never been to this place until today but when our hiked ended and we arrived at our destination I was amazed by it.  My sister said it's beautiful.  I am not a big outdoors kind of person but it was pretty and serene.  After taking in all the details of our surroundings, I noticed the smoke coming from the chimney inside the cabin and the fire burning in the fire pit.  How did this happen?  No one was there yet... we had all hiked down together... well my dad and Bill had come down earlier and warmed the cabin and built the fire pit but no one knew they were going to do that.  They also put out pictures they had found in the cabin for us all to look at.  It was the perfect setting for my grandpa's final resting place.

We all went into the cabin to warm our frozen toes and to look around.  I always knew about this place and heard so much about it but I don't recall every being there.  It was so interesting to see the things he had there.  Native American decorations... Canadian Magazines from 1994... Old Pictures and Awards... a Celine Dion tape hahaha.... Eventually everyone migrated outside to the fire where many  old memories started flowing.  These stories were hysterical.  I had tears of laughter flowing down my face and my stomach still hurts from laughing so hard.  I could envision all these things happening.  After much laughter we all walked a bit away from the fire to a clearing that was near the edge of a cliff.

Bill placed the ashes near the edge and read a note my dad wrote and a passage from the bible.  My dad wrote about how my grandpa would come to our house to visit and he would leave mid conversation telling us that he had to go because he had a fire going on the hill.  The note finished with my dad stating that there is fire burning on the hill for him now.  It makes me tear up right now thinking about how when Bill was reading this note I could hear my dad crying... that doesn't happen... it isn't allowed in my world.  Hearing him cry made me almost choke holding back my sobs.  I don't like to see my dad upset.  It is a very rare emotion from him and it really is heartbreaking.  My dad, two of his brothers, his sister and Bill went to the edge of the cliff where Tag spread the ashes.  It was quite, peaceful and beautiful.

We went back to the fire.  Shared a moment of silence and a few more stories.  It was growing dark so we realized we needed to make our trek back through the snow and to the cars. We all made sure we were still bundled up, took a few glances around and as we left that fire was still burning on the hill....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mommy I Don't Like Boys....

Abrielle loves her gymnastics class... I find it to be beyond torturous.  Imagine tons and tons of people crammed into a space much too small, parents trying to peak around each others heads to see a glimpse of their child... it is chaotic, it is loud and it is just ridiculous.  Usually Abrielle has all female coaches...six coaches each time she goes... this time she had four female couches and two male.

As soon as we made our way through the crowds of people and I looked out onto the floor... I saw them, then she saw them. "MOMMMY you know I don't like weird boys!"  I try to explain to her that she wasn't even out on the floor yet and she was already hating on guys she didn't even know.  "I don't need to KNOW them. I don't like them!" GREAT!

So the one guy coach comes out and screams to all the anxious hyper active children "5:30 class to the floor."  Abrielle looks at me and says, "I like my house.  I think we should go there.  We can skip class today."   No we can't Abrielle this gymnastics class costs $50 a month... you are not skipping any classes... at the same time I am thinking this I am simultaneously thinking how the heck am I going to get her out there.  Finally I spy Molly... she is the SAVING GRACE of this gymnastics debacle.  She eyes Abrielle having her man meltdown and comes and scoops her up taking her out to circle time.  Now of course they break the kids into groups for their first activity which... you guessed she was in a guy coaches group.  Molly walked her over and sat with her the whole time... Abrielle refused to get within twelve inches of this dude...mrrrrt... but she didn't fail in telling the guy that she thought he was weird...SUPER!  Molly then escorts her over to the bars where another male coach is located...again Abrielle will not get near him she just gives him her famous 'dirty look'...yup looks just like mine.  This makes the guy coach die laughing... which just irritates her more.  I was told that she looked at Molly and said, "I don't know what THAT guy is laughing at."  So Molly very sweetly stayed with Abrielle until she was safely done with the two stations involving the guys and was off to the trampoline. 

Abrielle is not big on strangers... especially guy strangers.  She refused to talk to people.  She sees the same librarian lady on a weekly basis and nine times out of ten she won't even speak to this woman.  It took her three gymnastics classes before she would speak to the female coaches.  And you aren't making her talk to anyone she doesn't want to either.  She is a stubborn little bug.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Queenie Beanie

My sister named this blog for me originally... and it was a fantastic name.  It is true that she has proclaimed me a fashionista and I do love love love my fashion shows, mags, shopping, bargain hunting etc etc but this blog has to do with all aspects of my life and in all aspects of my life I am the Queen.  Now this little nickname... that I hated but now love!!!... all began with my father.  He used to call me Beanie when I was little... then as I grew into my hellish loud mouth teenage years he so kindly started changing it to Queenie.  Jason picked up on that nickname quickly and soon dubbed me The Queen.  He calls me that to everyone...people I don't even know... these people on his volleyball team said to him when they finally meet me they are going to have a hard time not calling me The Queen.  Now he is cute about it.  It is a pet name not a "you prance around here like the Queen Bee" nickname.  Jason's mom gave me a super cute tiny pillow proclaiming me the Queen of Everything... she gave me a wooden sign that is above the door in my foyer.... yup "The Queen Reigns Here"... Jason's brother Bryan tried to have a facebook status saying he was waiting for the queen to get home (he was talking about his girlfriend).... ummm pretty much Jason and Sandy informed Bryan there is only one Queen in a family and I am it. 

I love my nickname... I embrace my nickname... and my nickname suits me.... when I was done writing my earlier post I realized I had to change the name of my blog to embrace all aspects of me... and so I did!!

Is it August yet?!?

I would like to fast forward time to August so I can see my numero uno.... Kristin One.  You see before there was Rachel 1 and Rachel 2 there was the original dynamic named duo.  Kristin One and myself Kristen Two.  We went to high school together but it was really Taggy Land that solidified our friendship.  She is one of my definite go to people.  It is rare that you find someone you know will always listen to you, be there for you and do anything to help you.  She is that person that we can go three weeks without talking on the phone because both of us are constantly on the go but as soon as you hear each others voices it is liked we just talked yesterday.  We go months and months without seeing each other but as soon as the airport pick up is made it is as if no time has passed.  I always say I have no reason to Skype but I just realized I need to Skype with her because she would die if she saw how big Abrielle is and how well Abrielle talks and interacts.  I miss my friend and I cannot wait to see her.  Our favorite times are spent being lame... pizza, a movie, and a glass of wine... love it!

Thank goodness Lindsay only moved to Florida for a hot minute because if they both stayed down there permanently I would have been lost.  When they both moved down their four years ago I was seriously a lost puppy dog.  I didn't know what to do with myself... slight emotional wreck... oh yeah!!  But Lindsay came back and now I always have someone to look forward to seeing.

Number Two and Number One

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I busted my big old butt to get to Tags yesterday to work.... I made zero dollars and zero cents but I managed to spend 30 dollars on food for Abie, Jason and finally myself when I realized there was no point scrubbing walls any longer and I clocked off.  This resulted in me sitting down, eating dinner and spending some quality time with my favorite multiple personalities bartender and good friend Dan-whatever she feels like going by that evening and Rachel-don't you dare call her Rachel 2-but she is Rachel 2.

This basically turned into, what it always does, ridiculously hysterical antics.  I can't even repeat the conversations that were occurring for fear my mother would read this.  I couldn't even take part in the conversations while they were occurring for I was laughing so hard that there wasn't any time for words.  All I know is that DanYell is a crazy girl who will be sharing all her dirty deeds at the following address:

Fair warning to all--- it will be out of control, it will be a little dirty and it isn't for the faint of heart.  Keep young children away from it... those old enough to have a heart attack stay clear... but those ready to die laughing and live vicariously through another individual check it out!
The one and only DANWOW and I

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Total Mack Truck kind of day......

I looked like I got hit by a Mack Truck today.  It was disgusting.  I wanted to run and hide from myself.  I closed my eyes while I was washing my hands after going to the bathroom so that I wouldn't have to see my reflection.  I intentionally left my glasses on my desk so that if I happened to walk past a mirror that I wouldn't be able to see myself all that well.  I refused to put on make up because I didn't want to shatter my hand held mirror.  My shoes were comfortable yet looked atrocious with my pants... I wore no earrings... no necklace... no accessories.  My tank top barely matched the shirt I wore over it.  My hair looked like I had stuck my finger in a light socket... I was a beat scene.  I was feeling crappy and it showed.

There is only one thing worse then feeling and looking like garbage and that is when it seems like everyone else around you put on the cutest outfit they have in their closes.  I mean people who never even put mascara on seemed liked they were walking around in a full face of makeup.  Guys who wear jeans everyday to work seemed like they were all dressed in a jacket and tie.  The ladies at my work who make fun of me for taking time to accessories looked like they all went out and got their ears pierced and swooped up a few necklaces from Macys.

So what did I do to combat this horrible feeling of nastiness.... nope I didn't walk around with a smile on my face or act as if all was right with the world... I did the sensible thing, spent all my free time with my head on my desk and my door shut hiding from the rest of the world.  :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Four Girls and a Guy's Funeral Home

Lindsay, Marnie, Val, Jason and I were spending a Sunday together a few months ago talking about Val's college courses...she is in the process of getting her college degree in mortuary services.  We then realized that we should open a funeral home.  Lindsay would do the hair and make up, Marnie would organize all 'events', Val obviously would do all the gross stuff, I would be in charge of the financial part of the business and Jason would be the 'handy man' and do all the heavy lifting.  Now if you know us... you would know that this group of people would be the most ridiculous group ever to run a business...let a lone a funeral home.  We can't function for five minutes without laughing like hyenas or running at the yaper.   This concept would be IDEAL for a reality TV show.  I can picture it in the making.  I want it to happen and I want it filmed.  It would be epic.

Now you probably noticed a common trend.  Four girls and Jason were hanging out... Four girls and Jason would run the funeral home ... a bunch of girls and Jason often do a lot of things.  Jason is ONE of the girls. Always has been probably always will be.  Almost every year a group of us go to wine on ice.... all girls and Jason.  In May, Lindsay, Marnie, Natalie, myself and Jason went to Florida.  My friends want him to come on girl days/nights... they ask him for advice... the ask him about their outfits.  I loan him out to my friends when they need something.  You need a dog sitter- Jason would love to do that.  Jason and Abrielle are going to a festival down town- I tell Rachel and Evan to meet him there.  One year for Halloween Lindsay, Marnie and I dressed as 'hookers' and Jason dressed up as our 'pimp'.  We went to breakfast at Friendly's once and there was a big table of people- probably my grandmas age- at this table were six ladies and one man. I pointed at the guy and told Jason that would be him in 40 years.

So in 40 years when you see a table of ladies at breakfast with just one guy joining them know that it is probably my friends, myself and Jason... maybe we will be retired from our successful Funeral Home, probably not but here's hoping :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Love and loathing in the 900 hall

I walked into my classroom today and stared at my Wall of Love.  I saw the lovely, yet creepy "Hot Babes" picture that two of my past students gave me.... Two crazy male high school seniors who got together and had their picture taken  with the background being flames and the words HOT BABES emblazoned across the top... what was the frame made out of... ummm Popsicle sticks that  I am pretty sure they didn't even  bother to clean off the residual sticky Popsicle slobber.  Then I noticed the psychotic plastic doll that looked like a mixture between a mini cabbage patch doll and a troll in the vicinity... yeah the same kids gave me that as well.  This Wall of Love is plastered with the sweet normal trinkets as well... sweet pictures drawn by nice high school girls who know I love butterflies and thank you cards galore from past and present students with kind words in side.  This wall makes me smile multiple times a day.  It reminds me of the love that some of the kids have for me..... It also makes me think of those that loathe(d) me.  There are more incidences out there I am sure but these are the ones that always jump to my mind....

1. My first year of teaching when a students was angry because I asked them to stop screaming across the room in study hall.  That student then informed me that he wishes that I would "take my dumb a@@ back to the street corner that I was working on last night" <3 feel the love.

2.  A few years ago I was talking to my class on the day before Thanksgiving break.  Wishing them well and chatting about what they planned to do on break.  One student thought it would be the opportune time to throw a half full bottle of soda clear across the room... I begin my rant about why that was SO NOT OK in which he cuts me off in the middle of my tirade to yell at the top of his lungs, "I hope you choke on a f**king turkey bone on your Thanksgiving break!" Then he strolled out of the room.... SWEET!

3.  Last year, a few days after the freaky plastic doll mentioned above was gifted to me, I was giving a test.  I noticed that a student had a small peace of paper slid under his test.  I walk over and take his test and his cheat sheet--- informing him of the nice zero he would be receiving.  He then informed me with a straight face, looking me dead in the eyes that I am "uglier than that stupid piece of sh*t troll doll" and he points right at it.  I wanted to rip that doll down and throw it right at his face... yet I refrained.

Don't get me wrong... the good greatly overpowers the bad.  But oh the bad is what makes me run home to watch my reality TV shows where I can watch real life train wrecks in action and find happiness in the fact that at least I am not them.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


In my world I am a stylist.  I spend my days browsing through racks and racks of beautiful clothes.  Picking out just the perfect outfit for someone who doesn't have the time or the patience to do it themselves.  I frequent the finest boutiques and am invited to Fashion Week.  I am the 'curvaceous brown haired' version of Rachael Zoe.... In reality I spend my days trying to keep high school students from falling asleep during math class... I encourage them to save their pools of drool for their pillows at home not for the 20 year old desk that they have decided would be the perfect place to have a little snore fest..."DREHMS" they say "I'm tired.  We aren't ever goin to need this stuff anyway." UGGGH...I can't begin to tell you how many times I have heard that.  My shopping experiences do not include Dior or Versace nope I shop the clearance racks at Target or hit up the online 30% off coupon code for Kohls... when I am feeling like splurging it is the 70% off rack at Macys.  But I tell you what-- I shop them good!  I have so many people asking me to take them shopping, to find them the deals and to help them coordinate their outfits that I need to start charging for my services.  So if there is anyone out there who is in need of a personal stylist I will gladly leave the world of education to become engulfed in a world of Alexander McQueen and Jimmy Choo.