Sunday, January 9, 2011

Four Girls and a Guy's Funeral Home

Lindsay, Marnie, Val, Jason and I were spending a Sunday together a few months ago talking about Val's college courses...she is in the process of getting her college degree in mortuary services.  We then realized that we should open a funeral home.  Lindsay would do the hair and make up, Marnie would organize all 'events', Val obviously would do all the gross stuff, I would be in charge of the financial part of the business and Jason would be the 'handy man' and do all the heavy lifting.  Now if you know us... you would know that this group of people would be the most ridiculous group ever to run a business...let a lone a funeral home.  We can't function for five minutes without laughing like hyenas or running at the yaper.   This concept would be IDEAL for a reality TV show.  I can picture it in the making.  I want it to happen and I want it filmed.  It would be epic.

Now you probably noticed a common trend.  Four girls and Jason were hanging out... Four girls and Jason would run the funeral home ... a bunch of girls and Jason often do a lot of things.  Jason is ONE of the girls. Always has been probably always will be.  Almost every year a group of us go to wine on ice.... all girls and Jason.  In May, Lindsay, Marnie, Natalie, myself and Jason went to Florida.  My friends want him to come on girl days/nights... they ask him for advice... the ask him about their outfits.  I loan him out to my friends when they need something.  You need a dog sitter- Jason would love to do that.  Jason and Abrielle are going to a festival down town- I tell Rachel and Evan to meet him there.  One year for Halloween Lindsay, Marnie and I dressed as 'hookers' and Jason dressed up as our 'pimp'.  We went to breakfast at Friendly's once and there was a big table of people- probably my grandmas age- at this table were six ladies and one man. I pointed at the guy and told Jason that would be him in 40 years.

So in 40 years when you see a table of ladies at breakfast with just one guy joining them know that it is probably my friends, myself and Jason... maybe we will be retired from our successful Funeral Home, probably not but here's hoping :)


  1. too funny jason has always had way more girl friends tham boy friends he was just raised to be in touch with his femine side

  2. I still think it's a great idea!!!!!

  3. LOVE it! Jason def is one of the girls- and a good loaner hubby too! :)

  4. ok so now i feel as though i must do something really macho to redeem my standing as a man, and feel better about myself lol.
    I do love "my girls" though, so where theres a tire to be changed, garbage to be taken out, or a dateless lady for me to accompany ,I'll be there!!!

  5. I would say Jason is a pretty lucky guy!!!

  6. I think our Funeral home would be successful, yet never a dull moment. Poor Jason in your defense, you and Kristen are the only one's with a normal relationship, the rest of us don't dare to bring our men for obvious reasons lol. - Val

  7. HaHa...Sex in the City just came on and the title for the show is "four girls and a funeral"..Close!
