Friday, January 7, 2011

Love and loathing in the 900 hall

I walked into my classroom today and stared at my Wall of Love.  I saw the lovely, yet creepy "Hot Babes" picture that two of my past students gave me.... Two crazy male high school seniors who got together and had their picture taken  with the background being flames and the words HOT BABES emblazoned across the top... what was the frame made out of... ummm Popsicle sticks that  I am pretty sure they didn't even  bother to clean off the residual sticky Popsicle slobber.  Then I noticed the psychotic plastic doll that looked like a mixture between a mini cabbage patch doll and a troll in the vicinity... yeah the same kids gave me that as well.  This Wall of Love is plastered with the sweet normal trinkets as well... sweet pictures drawn by nice high school girls who know I love butterflies and thank you cards galore from past and present students with kind words in side.  This wall makes me smile multiple times a day.  It reminds me of the love that some of the kids have for me..... It also makes me think of those that loathe(d) me.  There are more incidences out there I am sure but these are the ones that always jump to my mind....

1. My first year of teaching when a students was angry because I asked them to stop screaming across the room in study hall.  That student then informed me that he wishes that I would "take my dumb a@@ back to the street corner that I was working on last night" <3 feel the love.

2.  A few years ago I was talking to my class on the day before Thanksgiving break.  Wishing them well and chatting about what they planned to do on break.  One student thought it would be the opportune time to throw a half full bottle of soda clear across the room... I begin my rant about why that was SO NOT OK in which he cuts me off in the middle of my tirade to yell at the top of his lungs, "I hope you choke on a f**king turkey bone on your Thanksgiving break!" Then he strolled out of the room.... SWEET!

3.  Last year, a few days after the freaky plastic doll mentioned above was gifted to me, I was giving a test.  I noticed that a student had a small peace of paper slid under his test.  I walk over and take his test and his cheat sheet--- informing him of the nice zero he would be receiving.  He then informed me with a straight face, looking me dead in the eyes that I am "uglier than that stupid piece of sh*t troll doll" and he points right at it.  I wanted to rip that doll down and throw it right at his face... yet I refrained.

Don't get me wrong... the good greatly overpowers the bad.  But oh the bad is what makes me run home to watch my reality TV shows where I can watch real life train wrecks in action and find happiness in the fact that at least I am not them.

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