Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mommy I Don't Like Boys....

Abrielle loves her gymnastics class... I find it to be beyond torturous.  Imagine tons and tons of people crammed into a space much too small, parents trying to peak around each others heads to see a glimpse of their child... it is chaotic, it is loud and it is just ridiculous.  Usually Abrielle has all female coaches...six coaches each time she goes... this time she had four female couches and two male.

As soon as we made our way through the crowds of people and I looked out onto the floor... I saw them, then she saw them. "MOMMMY you know I don't like weird boys!"  I try to explain to her that she wasn't even out on the floor yet and she was already hating on guys she didn't even know.  "I don't need to KNOW them. I don't like them!" GREAT!

So the one guy coach comes out and screams to all the anxious hyper active children "5:30 class to the floor."  Abrielle looks at me and says, "I like my house.  I think we should go there.  We can skip class today."   No we can't Abrielle this gymnastics class costs $50 a month... you are not skipping any classes... at the same time I am thinking this I am simultaneously thinking how the heck am I going to get her out there.  Finally I spy Molly... she is the SAVING GRACE of this gymnastics debacle.  She eyes Abrielle having her man meltdown and comes and scoops her up taking her out to circle time.  Now of course they break the kids into groups for their first activity which... you guessed she was in a guy coaches group.  Molly walked her over and sat with her the whole time... Abrielle refused to get within twelve inches of this dude...mrrrrt... but she didn't fail in telling the guy that she thought he was weird...SUPER!  Molly then escorts her over to the bars where another male coach is located...again Abrielle will not get near him she just gives him her famous 'dirty look'...yup looks just like mine.  This makes the guy coach die laughing... which just irritates her more.  I was told that she looked at Molly and said, "I don't know what THAT guy is laughing at."  So Molly very sweetly stayed with Abrielle until she was safely done with the two stations involving the guys and was off to the trampoline. 

Abrielle is not big on strangers... especially guy strangers.  She refused to talk to people.  She sees the same librarian lady on a weekly basis and nine times out of ten she won't even speak to this woman.  It took her three gymnastics classes before she would speak to the female coaches.  And you aren't making her talk to anyone she doesn't want to either.  She is a stubborn little bug.


  1. I can see that entire scenario :-) Gotta Love her!

  2. Stubborn I wonder who she takes after

  3. Well dad... that would be pretty much everyone in our family!!! :) mwah!!
