Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This was a day full friends I love!!!

There are days where I wake up feeling BLESSED!!!  This was one of those days.  I know I have probably the best husband on the planet.  In fact few would argue with that fact... if they want to argue it is because they think their husband is better and I am pretty sure I can argue every one of their points.  My daughter is amazing.... sure she made me cry yesterday because she was MEAN but this morning she sang a song about how much she hearted me... so I am over the mean day and back to thinking she is the coolest kid ever.

I spent today with many of my favorite teachers and then had a yummy Applebees dinner with Jason and Abie.  Besides the fact that I love having dinner with them... it was extra special because I used a gift card that my teacher people gave me last week after a rough week.  I followed this yummy dinner by meeting Sherell at Tags where I encountered more loves of my life... we laughed at pretty much our own stupidity then ventured down to Rounding Third to see Rachel 2.  Love her... love them all.

On my way home Kristin 1 called.... which I cannot even talk about how much I love her because I already devoted an entire blog to her BUT I DO LOVE HER and I MISS HER!!!  When I was talking to her Mekhi informed me that he missed me and loved me.... talk about melt my heart!  I made it in my house and Lindsay called..... she informed me that her washer wasn't broken it was just the outlet that needed to be reset... LOVE HER!!!!

I will say it again... I am BLESSED... amazing family, wonderful husband, super crazy spectacular daughter, the best friends a girl could ask for....all I can say is thank you to all of you who make my life complete and absolutely wonderful!


  1. Jason is get what you give and you do give it all....therefore it should all come around to you full circle...Love You!

  2. awww love you too!!!! See just another blessing... a momma that leaves me such sweet comments!
