Friday, January 14, 2011

Queenie Beanie

My sister named this blog for me originally... and it was a fantastic name.  It is true that she has proclaimed me a fashionista and I do love love love my fashion shows, mags, shopping, bargain hunting etc etc but this blog has to do with all aspects of my life and in all aspects of my life I am the Queen.  Now this little nickname... that I hated but now love!!!... all began with my father.  He used to call me Beanie when I was little... then as I grew into my hellish loud mouth teenage years he so kindly started changing it to Queenie.  Jason picked up on that nickname quickly and soon dubbed me The Queen.  He calls me that to everyone...people I don't even know... these people on his volleyball team said to him when they finally meet me they are going to have a hard time not calling me The Queen.  Now he is cute about it.  It is a pet name not a "you prance around here like the Queen Bee" nickname.  Jason's mom gave me a super cute tiny pillow proclaiming me the Queen of Everything... she gave me a wooden sign that is above the door in my foyer.... yup "The Queen Reigns Here"... Jason's brother Bryan tried to have a facebook status saying he was waiting for the queen to get home (he was talking about his girlfriend).... ummm pretty much Jason and Sandy informed Bryan there is only one Queen in a family and I am it. 

I love my nickname... I embrace my nickname... and my nickname suits me.... when I was done writing my earlier post I realized I had to change the name of my blog to embrace all aspects of me... and so I did!!


  1. so glad to see that you have finally truly embraced what I lovingly proclaimed you to be, and stopped yelling at me every time i call you that. hahaha
    Long Love the Queen!!!

  2. hey there, drehmer posted this on his fb and i had to comment....i'm the one who said i would have a hard time calling you by your real name, i have only heard jason actually call you by it maybe once or, i think it's so awesome he thinks of you that way, i can't even call him jason, i got to know him as drehmer so that's what i call him...maybe someday i'll get to meet you, drehmer mentioned having a poker party sometime, take it easy, later....Steph Seeley

  3. Hahaha... if we have a poker night I promise not to rock my crown. :):)

  4. if you have a crown, i gotta see it!!! you would have to Rock it Out :)

  5. Haha...don't forget to add the little sign that hung on your front door for awhile, "Don't treat me any different than you would treat the Queen" :-)
