Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Total Mack Truck kind of day......

I looked like I got hit by a Mack Truck today.  It was disgusting.  I wanted to run and hide from myself.  I closed my eyes while I was washing my hands after going to the bathroom so that I wouldn't have to see my reflection.  I intentionally left my glasses on my desk so that if I happened to walk past a mirror that I wouldn't be able to see myself all that well.  I refused to put on make up because I didn't want to shatter my hand held mirror.  My shoes were comfortable yet looked atrocious with my pants... I wore no earrings... no necklace... no accessories.  My tank top barely matched the shirt I wore over it.  My hair looked like I had stuck my finger in a light socket... I was a beat scene.  I was feeling crappy and it showed.

There is only one thing worse then feeling and looking like garbage and that is when it seems like everyone else around you put on the cutest outfit they have in their closes.  I mean people who never even put mascara on seemed liked they were walking around in a full face of makeup.  Guys who wear jeans everyday to work seemed like they were all dressed in a jacket and tie.  The ladies at my work who make fun of me for taking time to accessories looked like they all went out and got their ears pierced and swooped up a few necklaces from Macys.

So what did I do to combat this horrible feeling of nastiness.... nope I didn't walk around with a smile on my face or act as if all was right with the world... I did the sensible thing, spent all my free time with my head on my desk and my door shut hiding from the rest of the world.  :)

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