Thursday, January 6, 2011


In my world I am a stylist.  I spend my days browsing through racks and racks of beautiful clothes.  Picking out just the perfect outfit for someone who doesn't have the time or the patience to do it themselves.  I frequent the finest boutiques and am invited to Fashion Week.  I am the 'curvaceous brown haired' version of Rachael Zoe.... In reality I spend my days trying to keep high school students from falling asleep during math class... I encourage them to save their pools of drool for their pillows at home not for the 20 year old desk that they have decided would be the perfect place to have a little snore fest..."DREHMS" they say "I'm tired.  We aren't ever goin to need this stuff anyway." UGGGH...I can't begin to tell you how many times I have heard that.  My shopping experiences do not include Dior or Versace nope I shop the clearance racks at Target or hit up the online 30% off coupon code for Kohls... when I am feeling like splurging it is the 70% off rack at Macys.  But I tell you what-- I shop them good!  I have so many people asking me to take them shopping, to find them the deals and to help them coordinate their outfits that I need to start charging for my services.  So if there is anyone out there who is in need of a personal stylist I will gladly leave the world of education to become engulfed in a world of Alexander McQueen and Jimmy Choo.


  1. I seriously heart this so much. Love it!

  2. First thing going on here l should be in the picture as one of the loves of your life i'm very hurt that i'm not included as for being the shopping queen that's a toss up

  3. Do I have to click on the ads here so you can become a millionaire

  4. So happy ur blogging! I love to read about my friends crazy lives :)

  5. I told you, you can shop for me anytime you just won't be able to give up your day job to do it. I need new clothes and jewelry and all I seem to buy are turtlenecks :-)
